Red Moor Driftwood
Red Moor Driftwood
Red Moore is a close relative of Gold Vine, characterized by its dynamic and twisted branches adorned with reddish streaks. Each specimen is distinct, ensuring that no two pieces are identical. When submerged, the reddish streaks gradually transition to a deeper reddish-brown hue, creating a striking contrast against the white branches.
This wood is arguably one of the most visually stunning hardscape options for aquariums, making a significant impact with its intricate branch structure and dual-toned stripes. It contains minimal tannins and may require some time to sink; however, it can be secured or easily wedged down until it becomes sufficiently waterlogged. It is advisable to soak the wood for several hours prior to use.
Each piece is one-of-a-kind, varying in color, size, and shape due to its natural origin. Selection is made at random.
The wood is sold by length from the longest points, and the images provided are for reference only.
Driftwood may take a while to become waterlogged and sink, with thicker pieces potentially requiring weeks. Boiling the wood can expedite this process.
We have individual photos of what is currently available