Dragon Stone 1kg
Dragon Stone 1kg
Dragon Stone, also known as Ohko Stone, is composed of clay minerals and classified as an igneous rock that has undergone significant erosion due to water. This stone is relatively lightweight and can be easily fractured upon impact or when struck with a hammer or chisel.
The pH level of this rock is neutral, approximately 7.
It typically exhibits a brown and dark yellow coloration, often featuring patches of red and green reflections.
Dragon Stone is naturally found in Japan, but it has also been discovered in locations such as Utah, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Its popularity surged due to Takashi Amano's use of it in iwagumi layouts and wooden aquascapes, attracting many individuals seeking a manageable hardscape solution.
Moreover, Dragon Stone is particularly effective when utilized with epiphytic plants, such as mosses or crypts.
Each box is expected to contain nano-sized pieces unless specified otherwise. As these are naturally occurring rock fragments, variations in size, color, and texture should be anticipated.